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The Ultimate Non-Invasive Skin Renovation Without Surgery

Fractora is the most advanced fractional radio frequency treatment. Fractora delivers radio frequency energy to the skin through an array of pins, producing localised heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. 


The gentle heat generated by the Fractora pins in the sub-dermal tissue promotes collagen restructuring for skin rejuvenation. This results in anti-ageing improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing. The methodical scattering of micro-lesions allows the skin to heal faster than if the entire area was ablated. 

Skin treatments are varied and include:
∙Reducing wrinkles
∙Improving skin texture
∙Treating stretch marks
∙Treating skin laxity
∙Lifting eyelids
∙Treating scars and post-acne scars
∙Giving the skin an even tone
inmode fractora


Wrinkles & Stretch marks
Wrinkles & Stretch marks
Wrinkles & Stretch marks
Wrinkles & Stretch marks
Wrinkles & Stretch marks
Wrinkles & Stretch marks
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